Men in Dialogue start from the associative world and pretend to influence the society with specific actions which help to change the existing models of masculinity. However, the association relies on the contributions of the social sciences as indispensable elements to face our challenges. On the field of masculinities, as in any other field, we must escape from superstition and enter the scientific sphere to better understand the phenomena which surround the nowadays masculinity system and the elements we need to take into account to change it.
Men in Dialogue count on members implied in the scientific research working on new masculinities and gender identities. These members are contributing with their knowledge. But from Men in Dialogue we think that we all can make crucial theoretical contributions from our experiences and from the reflection of the main authors of the field.
New Alternatives Masculinities scientific sources
Articles and Books:
- Gómez, J. (2004). El amor en la sociedad del riesgo. Una tentativa educativa. Barcelona: Hipatia Editorial. ISBN: 84-7976-028-1
- Revista MSC. Masculinities and Social Change. Masculinidades y Cambio Social. Accedeix.
- Flecha, R., Puigvert, L., & Ríos, O. (2013). The New Masculinities and the Overcoming of Gender Violence. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 88113. Doi:10.4471/rimcis.2013.14
- Gómez, A.; Munté, A.; & Sordé. T. (2014). Transforming Schools Through Minority Males’ Participation: Overcoming Cultural Stereotypes and Preventing Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.Doi:10.1177/0886260513515949
- “¿Quién nos atrae y por qué? Nuevas Masculinidades Alternativas contra la Violencia de Género”. Marcos Castro. 3-3-2014.
- Diálogo entre Lidia Puigvert y Ramón Flecha en el marco de la ponencia “Prevención de la violencia de género y nuevas masculinidades” presentada en las Jornadas de Comunidades de Aprendizaje del País Vasco. Bilbao. 28-3-2014
- “Evidencias Científicas sobre la Mejora de la Convivencia”. Ramón Flecha. Iurreta. 11-6-2013
- “Evidencias Científicas sobre la Mejora de la Convivencia”. Ramón Flecha. Iurreta. 11-6-2013
- Ramón Flecha. Máster Universitario en Igualdad de Genero. Nuevas Masculinidades.
- “El amor en la sociedad actual. Un reto educativo”, a cargo de Jesús Gómez.. 13/03/2004